Mark Parsons
Threat Hunter at Sophos
Mark is a dedicated cybersecurity practitioner, functioning primarily in threat hunting, digital forensics, and incident response roles. Previous notable achievements include identifying multi-month nation state intrusions, working with multiple states’ cybersecurity programs before, during, and after the 2020 election cycle to improve their detection and response capabilities, finding rarely seen (second reporter) bugs in Microsoft Azure/CAP logs that thankfully did not lead to massive compromise, and identifying multiple Initial Access Brokers prior to their targets’ being compromised by second actors.
Mark is a dedicated cybersecurity practitioner, functioning primarily in threat hunting, digital forensics, and incident response roles. Previous notable achievements include identifying multi-month nation state intrusions, working with multiple states’ cybersecurity programs before, during, and after the 2020 election cycle to improve their detection and response capabilities, finding rarely seen (second reporter) bugs in Microsoft Azure/CAP logs that thankfully did not lead to massive compromise, and identifying multiple Initial Access Brokers prior to their targets’ being compromised by second actors.